Friday, December 01, 2006


You're beautiful to me.

Even in your absence, your essence is enchanting.

I could capture your smile and engrave it in stone, and there would it remain carven for as long as weather chose.

I could enshrine the twinkle of your eyes in a single leaf on a single stalk of a single branch of a single plant, and it would grow thence, as long as the tree of love is watered.

I could weave your voice into the bars of the wind, and hear the sound of comfort caress me every time the earth breathes.

I could ensnare your laughter in the flame of fire, to shine bright and warm my soul, in the cold of the moonlit night.

Most precious of all is the pristine clarity of your mind, the flawless logic of your reason, and the magical madness of your creativity. Beautiful is the rationality of thought, and rational is its beauty.

And enthralling is your spirit, even in your absence.

And beautiful you are to me.

(Dedicated to ASR)

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