What have you done in this project?
Nothing, really.
Why do we need hybrid systems?
Environment friendly, you big bad smoking chimney!
Why do we combine solar power with wind power in a hybrid system, of all the renewable sources we can use?
Reminds me of the beach. Soak in the sun, with a cool breeze flowing... Gets me started, man!
What have you done in one year?
Watched movies, went on a trip, drank chai, got drunk, ate lots of nice food, celebrated my birthday, what more do you want to know, you sneak!
What is the efficiency of solar system/wind system?
Should be good, else we wouldn't use it.
What have you actually simulated?
How the thing works, you doof. Why not just read the damn report?
Why have you used voltage signals in the simulation, when a power system deals with load?
Coz that's what's possible in the goddamn software! Man, talk about being a prof...
Why have you chosen LabVIEW instead of Matlab?
Coz that's what my guide told me to do. Plus, it has a nice view... isn't that what it's supposed to be? Lab-View?
What are the voltage ranges we can deal with in this hybrid system, ie what is the load you can supply?
Whatever load you want, you build a big enough machine, and it'll supply. Talk to Homepower.org, they deal in installation info.
What is the use of your project?
Getting a grade so I can get out of here. Also perhaps some kid could copy it and get a grade too.
What machine is used in a wind turbine system?
The one that's used in all of them.
How can you increase the efficiency or power output of a hybrid system?
Umm... throw out the garbage on time? So that the system doesn't have to waste time doing it.
How cost-effective is a hybrid system?
Not much. I spent all my time and energy on this one, and that other idiot spent only 10 grand on his... and got a better grade! Talk about unfair!
1 comment:
This is absolutely hilarious!
Guess this is what every would-be engineer goes through in the last sem
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