"The blue of the sky is colour."
"Come again?"
"The blue of the sky is colour."
"I... can't argue with that."
"What is the spelling of colour?"
"In American, yes. But in British?"
"Oh... I see what you mean. By the way, you do know they're no longer really Britain... they are called the UK."
"Yeah, but you can't make UK into an adjective. United Kingdomians? Nah. Plus we knew them as the British when they invaded us, that's our memory of them."
"Well, they could be called the English."
"No, that wouldn't work! Imagine the confusion. English English, versus American or Australian English? Nah, that sounds weird. British is better."
"British. Britney. Brittany. Britannia. There's a company in India called Britannia. They make biscuits. Wish I could have a biscuit right now. I'm hungry."
"What's a biscuit?"
"Oh... that's cookie, in American."
"How does one keep that sort of thing straight?!"
"Heh heh. It gets funnier. You see, international trade has brought in multinational companies, a lot of them are American. And they bring in Americanisms. So we have both Britishisms and Americanisms."
"Like what?"
"Chips. We call 'em chips too. Britain calls them crisps. And fries, we call them fries too, but Britain calls them chips. Imagine a Brit chap trying to get fries in India. He asks for chips, and he'll get chips and he'll walk away with a chip on his shoulder. Too bad he can't eat that one! He won't be chipper for the rest of the day!"
"Are all Indians like this?"
Shrug. "Well, you know Rahul. He's fairly normal."
"Yes. Yes, he is!"
"I, on the other hand, am a lucky snowflake."
"What does that mean?"
"Snowflake, coz I'm unique. And when I say lucky I'm being sarcastic. Actually I could be serious. It depends. Maybe I'm both."
"How can you be both?"
"The principle of superposition. From quantum mechanics."
"Isn't that only for subatomic particles, and not really for people like you and me?"
Frown. "Well... maybe. But I'm going to ignore that and just say I'm both serious and sarcastic until you collapse the context function to observe which one I am!"
"Are you kidding?"
"Nope! I'm seriously sarcastic. Just like Schrodinger's cat! Except I'm alive. And a lucky snowflake."
"At any rate, that's a good expression. Where'd you hear that?"
"I just made it up."
"Well, you deserve credit for that one."
"I also thought of another one - I'm the only flower with nectar left for the bees."
"Well, something like that, I'm still thinking about that one."
"Yeah... that one needs some work."
"I just thought of another expression I could use. It's quite a bit more colorful though."
"It's probably not appropriate to say at work."
"Then you probably shouldn't say it."
"I'm the one out of millions of sperm that was successful in swimming to the egg!"
"Wait. What? You can't use that! You're a girl!"
"Well, I was made from two times X, but not two eggs! I had to have a sperm. Otherwise meiosis would toss and turn and cry in its grave. Or its bed or hammock or whatever."
"Amen for meiosis."
"I'm the one out of two thousand eggs and two million sperm that was successful!"
"I... can't argue with that."